Thursday, July 24, 2008


ello people of the world.. its reali sad becoz i dun even noe wat 2 blog bout.. but i got 1 thing 2 blog bout.. its bout the interclass games.. my school interclass games is coming up.. it will be held next week.. damn chun.. my class 2 oren, decided 2 do sumthing.. yap created a folio for our formation.. he put our main target is 2 kill prashant.. wakakakaka.. woohooo.. prashant if u r reading this blog rite now.. i just wanna tell u tat my class will win the football interclass games.. eventhough our class have 2 versus the hardes class in our form.. we will still beat them.. becoz we all got balls.. woohoooo.. see u all in the finals pk.. if u ever make it there la.. kekeke.. lol..

from fei zhu ben aka patrice evra

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