Monday, March 31, 2008


Hey this is Clarissa!
U can call her Clare!
She is 14 and alsooo goes to Assunta.
She is hot from my point of view!
Damn damn sweet!!
She's friendly,kind,caring,helpful and alot more la :)
She is in her school band.
I tak tahu kenapa she hates it..then for wat join xD.
She always is there for me when Im hurt or so.
She likes *ehem* a friend of mine and a co-owner of this blog.
I didnt say the name!! :D
So yeah..she loves to shop!!
When emo pun boleh shop.
Asked her buy food for me when she went to sunway.
Didnt buy. T_T
Friends la?? AHAHA.
So yeah. Thats my Clare!!

Yours truly,

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