Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools :P

Hey ya'all. I wanna blog abt my april fool's day. Okie lets see. Today at 9.30 am, someone called and told me this: "Prashant, this is from SMK La Salle. Yesterday you have been caught smoking with some form 4 boys and that you was not in class during school period." I told him that i wasnt in class bcuz i had to do a presentation for my teacher's retirement and I wasnt smoking. He told me that he didnt care and he wanted to see me with my parents at Miss Yap office today. Then I said okay. After 5 minutes, he called again and he told me...Prashant, you have been April Fooled asshole! Im like are you Vagindra!!! He said yes..I cudnt even recognise his voice. And then in school..I got pranked alot times..so yeah. Let me put it in this way, I get pranked easily.

Yours truly,

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