Hey. Sorry was posting so late. Was just lazy. So we went to Raju's. Met with Clare and Kaylee.
Dunno why they never talk to us also. At least u were there la guys. So after that we wanted to teman them balik. But then Kaylee's dad was there and I was like wth?? So then I and WingTjun supposed to go alone and pick up Amanda from Assunta..i was their bodyguard by the way. Then suddenly Khairul and Darren came. They say wanna pick up Natalie. Dunno why Darren ikut?? Then he ran back to Raju's. I was jaga-ing the two couples. Then we went to Taman Jaya la..for *ehem*. Khairul and Nat was at 1 place and WingTjun/Amanda was at another. I?? I was playing see-saw!! Then the whole of our gang (Assunta/LaSalle) came..thanks to Natalie. So we were hiding at a pondok..den blablabla. Then we ALL go Amcorp. We went McD's eat lunch.
Hahaha. looking at the "couple".
Suddenly i duno why but Darren closed Amanda's eyes..and all d girls..was carrying a cake to the table at McD's. When Amanda saw the cake she was like almost crying la. But the cake was bought by the girls..not boys..blablabla. Lazy write la. And thats how her bday ended.
P.S: Wingtjun and Amanda..Im so happy for u two. And alsoo sorry got only my pics :D
Yours truly,
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